Junior Kit
With this kit you can build 6 rides for little ones between 0 and 5 years old. The rides in the Junior Kit will teach your child how to walk, ride, steer and move. You can build a walker, balance trike, balance carrier, scooter, balance bike and a tricycle.
With this kit you can build 6 rides for little ones between 0 and 5 years old. The rides in the Junior Kit will teach your child how to walk, ride, steer and move. You can build a walker, balance trike, balance carrier, scooter, balance bike and a tricycle.
Learn how to keep balance. Understand the concept of steering towards the direction of where you’re falling in stead of going against it. With the Balancer you will be ready for a bicycle in no time. The ride is multi-adjustable. Height, distance to the steer and angle of the seat. Very handy when you’ve grown a bit.
Rider is a balance trike that teaches you how to steer and to experience what it feels like if you move with more speed. Take it for a ride indoors or go for a spin outside when the sun shines. Just hop on, move your legs and off you go!
Skitter is a fast and good looking scooter. It’s incredibly strong and steers very swiftly. The ball bearings in the wheels guarantee a super silent ride. Just enjoy the feeling of the wind when you move. Losing speed? Just pedal with your foot and you’re on the move again!
Have you ever seen a balance carrier? Well now you have. Transport anything with our Transporter. What about your favorite dinosaurs or stuffed animals? Or become a freman or builder and transport water or mud. Just grab the steer and let your creativity go wild.
The Trimax offers stable fun thanks to its two wheels at the back. The perfect stopover before the Skitter. No need to focus on the balance, just scoot and learn how to maneuver. Don’t forget to wave at the neighbors when they see you whizz by in style.
Trivelo must be the most awesome tricycle ever constructed. The seat, handle and crank are adjustable in height to ensure the perfect position. Jump on, grab the steer, start pedaling and off you go!
¡Gira sin parar! Una rueda grande delante y dos pequeñas detrás. Este increíble Ride reclinable garantiza toneladas de entretenimiento. Si diriges el manillar hacia la izquierda, vas hacia la derecha. Complicado, ¿eh? Esta conducción contraintuitiva estimula los jóvenes cerebros. ¿Listo para dar una vuelta?
Wallaby teaches you how to walk. It is our cool version of a walker. Put your stuffed animal or other cargo in the crate and take it for a walk. It’s very easy to adjust how smooth the wheels go round. This way you never go too fast or slow and you will stay in an upright position.
Construye un kart auténtico con estos cómodos neumáticos de goma grandes. Elperfil proporciona tracción en todo tipo de superficies.PEDALES
¡Aprende a usar los pedales para avanzar y prepárate para futuras excursiones en bicicleta y recorridos en kart!RUEDAS DE 7 PULGADAS
Estas versátiles ruedas de 7 pulgadas te acompañarán en todas tus aventuras. Desde los primeros pasos de bebé hasta las acrobacias en patinete.Crea tus Rides con
313 piezas de calidad
7 inch wheel
8 inch driven wheel
40×40 hexa bearing block
Angle limiter
Axle clamp
Axle plate
Crank short
AUER box 30×40
Handlebar short
Knurled disc 1 stripe
Knurled disc 2 stripes
M8 bearing block
Multi angle-joint
Nuts and bolts
Positioning block
Profile nut short
Bearing protection cap
Profile connector (B)
T-positioning block
Valve adapter
Sol o nieve. Verano o invierno. Infento se adapta a todos los terrenos y estaciones. Solo tienes que convertir los Rides en Glides con nuestros sorprendentes Add-ons para nieve. Junior Snow es un Add-on para los Kits Smart, Genius, Master y Legend. Este Add-on te permite crear 4 magníficos Glides para niños de entre 1 y 7 años.
¿Quieres llenar de luz los oscuros días de invierno? ¿Quieres dar a tu hijo algo para personalizar su Ride Infento? El LED Infento es la solución. Engancha la tira en el perfil y elige el efecto que quieras. ¡Es hora de conducir y brillar!