🎉 We vieren 15 jaar Infento! 🌟 Geniet tijdelijk van uitzonderlijke kortingen op onze geweldige kits, tot wel €200 korting! đŸ€© d h m s
🚚 Bestel voor 16:00 uur, vandaag verstuurd
đŸ„‡ Bekroond tot Beste Speelgoed in EU & VS
⭐ 4.7 uit 5 sterren op basis van 2.503 reviews!

Get ready for our biggest Christmas Deals EVER! 🚀

In honor of our 15th anniversary, we’re thrilled to offer substantial discounts and free products on a limited number of Kits. 🎉 Secure your spot now so you don’t miss out!

Exclusive access ends in:

01 Nov

1,500 new Kits, an Infento red Ferrari and more…

Hi there, Infento supporter!

We have some very exciting news to share in this newsletter. We have been very busy ramping up production and now 1,500 lucky people get the opportunity to reap the fruits of our labour. We also have some other cool stuff to share. Here’s today’s menu:

  • 1,500 new Infento Kits
  • Award for Best Employer Technique
  • Table-talk
  • Back to the future
  • Red is the magic color

Buckle up and get ready for the ride.

1,500 new Infento Kits

Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet (thus spoke a wise guy called Aristotle). And now 1,500 early birds can eat this sweet Infento fruit. After our Kickstarter campaign ended we immediately put our website infento.com live. If you press the pre-order button on our site and fill in the form, you automatically get a place on our waiting list. Do we actually do something with this list? Yes, we do! We follow its sequence dutifully. Number by number.

We have a huge demand for our kits and right now we can’t keep up with production. That’s why we work with a waiting list. We just completed the production of 1,500 kits and the first 1,500 people that signed up for a pre-order now get the chance to buy a kit.  At this very moment, 750 of these kits are on their journey to the US. The other 750 are destined for Europe. We apologize to the rest of the world. Because of large transportation costs and hefty import duties we decided to focus on the US and EU first. So, if you are one of those early ones and you live in the US or EU, keep a close watch on your mail.

We can hear you think: what if I’m not among those very first pre-order fans and I have a high number on the waiting list? This is just the beginning. We are already busy producing and assembling the next batch of Infento kits. Our warehouse is stuffed with new parts, you can hardly walk through the sea of red boxes ;-). So please be patient and just wait until your number comes up. And if you didn’t sign up on our website yet? Go to infento.com now and press the red pre-order button. We’ll let you know through this medium when we can ship our next batch of kits. 

Here’s a picture of the rapidly expanding red piles. Our new lunch break game is hide and seek. Notice the top of the head of our colleague behind all these boxes? Got ya amigo!

Award winners

*Champagne popping* We have received a prize!

We have been chosen Best Employer Technique for Youth, and Best Learning Company and Educator (category Technique).

Yaaay! At Infento, we help a lot of young people, and continuously offer internships. This gives youngsters the chance to get acquainted with engineering in practice. This provides the students with the best possible practical training with a view to gaining employment. A special mention goes to our Spencer, the Godfather of education at Infento. The awards are serious business since they come from the Dutch ministry of Education, Culture and Science. We are very honored, especially since there are 230,000 approved learning companies and 300,000 educators in Holland.


Our canteen has got the looks; the Infento looks. As you might remember from one of our previous newsletter we recently moved to a much bigger space. Right now we’re furnishing the building, including the canteen. What else to use as a frame, than our own aluminum profiles? We designed three different high models and made three big dining tables as well. Now our rapidly expanding team can enjoy lunch in style.

And why use the same construction set-up when our multi-functional parts let you easily be more creative. Here you can see the structure of each table in more detail:

Please note that we think, dream and are Infento, but our plates are just full of fruit, sandwiches or eggs, not aluminum profiles and L-joints ;-).

Back to the future with Infento

No worries. No fire in the hole! We have a badass burglar alarm system. As soon as someone tries to separate us from our beloved rides, a machine produces a huge amount of smoke. An instant vision block. That sounds pretty awesome so you understand that we couldn’t help ourselves to see if that really works…

Well, the entire place was covered in mist in a flash! Our very first Infento model that is hanging in the air looked quite futuristic. Remember the time machine from Back to the Future? The Delorean DMC-12 instantly became a true icon because of the movie. The resemblance with our smokey concept ‘car’ is striking, don’t you think:

Since our Infento ride looked so much alike, we put our floating ride to the test, grabbed a remote and let a volunteer step on board. We have not seen or heard from him since. But good to know the fog machine works perfectly! 😉

And while we were looking for a smokey Delorean picture we couldn’t help to read up again about this beautiful piece of art. The DMC-12 was the only model ever produced by the John DeLorean’s DeLorean Motor Company. The sports car was manufactured for the American market from 1981-1983. The 12 in the model name is said to come from the selling price of $12,000. Quiz question: where do you think John manufactured these cars? Tick, tock, tick. Time’s up. Northern Ireland. About 9,000 DMC-12s were made before production halted in early 1983.

And then we stumbled upon some very exciting news. British entrepreneur Stephen Wynne, based in Texas, started a separate company in 1995 using the “DeLorean Motor Company” name and shortly thereafter acquired the trademark on the stylized “DMC” logo. Early this year the new DMC announced that it would build a new car in early 2017, each projected to cost just under $100,000. Cool stuff! Just look at this picture that Google Images threw at us:

But when we wanted to see more images at www.newdelorean.com we quickly learned from their blog that the photo that accompanied most articles about the DMC news is not, by any means, an accurate representation of the planned production car. The car illustrated above was drawn in 2011 by designer, digital artist and illustrator Maxime de Keiser. So how will the new Delorean look like? The next paragraph will uncover this mystery.

It is very tough to get a license to build cars. The new DMC company is smart and will follow a law that was passed in late 2015 that allows for low-volume production in the USA. The problem is that it also states that the only cars allowed to be built under this legislation are those that resemble production vehicles manufactured at least 25 years ago.

Therefore, the planned 2017 DeLorean will resemble the original 1981-1983 DeLorean models. Ah, bummer. They are changing the script. We’re going back to the past! But maybe the new old DMC will be such a success that we will see a truly new DMC in the future.

Red is the magic color

Have you ever associated Infento red with Ferrari red? One Kickstarter backer showed us… it’s a match! What a stunning environment to construct your Infento ride.

For the car fanatics among us: also notice the classic Porsche 911 on the right. Not as flashy, and because of that, icy cool like the white of its paint.
That’s all folks!

As always, keep on riding,

Team Infento