🎉 We vieren 15 jaar Infento! 🌟 Geniet tijdelijk van uitzonderlijke kortingen op onze geweldige kits, tot wel €200 korting! 🤩 d h m s
🚚 Bestel voor 16:00 uur, vandaag verstuurd
🥇 Bekroond tot Beste Speelgoed in EU & VS
⭐ 4.7 uit 5 sterren op basis van 2.503 reviews!

Get ready for our biggest Christmas Deals EVER! 🚀

In honor of our 15th anniversary, we’re thrilled to offer substantial discounts and free products on a limited number of Kits. 🎉 Secure your spot now so you don’t miss out!

Exclusive access ends in:

Stella chilling in Infento- header image
06 Mar

217 names and we picked this one as the winner!

Hey there, creative Infento follower!

The #InfentoContest came to an end at 12 AM EST this Sunday.

In total we received 217 suggestions to name our new Junior Kit ride. Thank you for the tremendous participation. The Infento community truly rocks!

Before we tell you which name our Infento team picked (yes, we’re creating some suspense here), we want to show you another cool pic of our new ride and a list of names we liked but that didn’t make it.

Because of the name suggestions you will also learn something about a bike for a boy with no arms and Newton’s third law of motion…, so please read on.

The great thing about the new ride is that the age range of our Junior Kit bumped from ages 1-5 to 1-7. Two more years of fun for free, great! Here is our test pilot Stella, a lovely 7 year old chilling on her Infento:

Stella Chilling on Infento

And here are some names out of the 217 that we liked:

The Spider Trike
Wing Rider
Rebel Rider

Brecht tweeted us this suggestion:

Brecht Daams twitter photo

We never heard of Vici or the fellow Bram Smit and his company Fastfwd (sorry!) but this tweet made us very curious.

It turns out mr. Smit invents recumbent bikes. And they indeed look quite similar if you compare it with our new ride. The Vici isn’t in production anymore but Fastfwd made a successor named Tiago. We like it!

Tiago photo

A bike for a boy with no arms

And while we were browsing his website we saw the Yepp, a bike especially made for a boy with no arms. You steer by pushing the shoulder pads to the left or the right.

The pads can be adjusted horizontally and the length of the bike can be modified as well. Great engineering and now this boy can enjoy cycling as well. We love it, great job Fastfwd!

Yepp photo

Newton’s Third Law of Motion

Manuel came up with 3wton rider on our Facebook page. 3 for Newton’s third law and for 3 wheels. So we dusted off our physics book (ok, you got us, we typed it into Google) and looked up this law of the smartest man the world has ever known. And this is what we found:

For every action there is an equal and opposite re-action.

What does this mean?

This means that for every force there is a reaction force that is equal in size, but opposite in direction. That is to say that whenever an object pushes another object it gets pushed back in the opposite direction equally hard.

equal and opposite re-action photo

So how does this work with an Infento ride? Our rides are equipped with wheels that spin. As the wheels spin, they grip the road and push the road backwards. The size of the force on the road equals the size of the force on the wheels and the direction of the force on the road (backwards) is opposite the direction of the force on the wheels. You can thank Newton for this long sentence.

But in the end Vici and 3Wton didn’t win our contest. The following two also didn’t win, but we like the creativity of the kids:

Lainey, #InfentoContest Turbo Booster…. “It’s almost like you’re sitting in a rocket that’s taking off”, my son said.

Veronica: my son says Starspinner.

Sorry boys, we love the names, but Erik Thørup goes home with the big price of 10 carton board rides!

Drum rolls please…… the name for our new ride is:


It’s straight forward. It indicates what this ride does. It’s memorable. And it fits perfectly between all the other Infento names! Thanks Erik, we will send you the carton board rides as soon as we can!

And we have some other good Junior Kit news to share. The manual of the Trimax is ready so you can build this ride with a Junior Kit also. Remember the Trimax? Here is a refresher:

A boy riding Junior Kit-photo

A great looking scooter with three wheels. This makes this ride a bit easier to handle than a two wheeled scooter. Make speed and put your foot next to the other at the base of the Trimax and enjoy the wind in your hair!

The complete line-up of the Junior Kit:

Junior Kit line-up

Eight rides with manuals, infinite creations of your own and this for only $299 (US) or €299 (EU).

And think of the quality time you will have with your kids and the technical skills that they will learn. That is truly priceless and invaluable.

Check out our online store for more information and inspiration!

Thank you for reading, and as always, keep on riding!

Team Infento