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22 Mar

What to do when staying at home with the kids?

Dear Infento fan,

First of all: we hope you and your family and friends are all ok. These are exceptional times. For families, companies, everyone. In this mail we want to offer you a mini guide as well as a small company update.

We’ve received several inquiries considering our delivery and service. A lot of families are asking us if our online store is open and if their kit can actually be delivered (on time). Understandable questions these days. 

Although we work from home mostly (probably just like you), our store and customer service are fully up and running. Sometimes delivery may take 1-3 days longer because of all the precautions. We have enough stock in our warehouses for the coming months. All you have to do is receive your Kit (just don’t hug the postman, even though you’re thankful!) and start building and bonding with your kids!

We will try to give you some practical guidance that you can use during this difficult period. While staying at home we have to make the best of the situation. Many parents are looking for educational and fun home projects. That’s why we’ve made a mini guide with tips to get through this as best as possible. 

Here’s our mini guide with tips to get you through these weeks.

1. Teach about the virus and hygiene
Kids are curious creatures. Be reassuring. Let them tell you what worries they have, possibly heard from friends or social media. Answer clearly but don’t overwhelm. Kids seem to be much less affected by Corona, which can be a reassuring fact for them.

2. Stick to a routine
When school hours disappear, it is very important to keep days structured. Make a schedule for the kids with for example: wake up time, study hours, screen time, outside play hours, dinner time, family time, bedtime. Keeping a routine gives clarity and structure and prevents a lot of discussion.

3. Do educational home activities
If your kids don’t get enough homework or digital classes from school, it’s time to add some educational activities. Building an Infento Ride together is a great way to teach them about engineering in a hands-on way: learning by doing. Other ‘classes’ can be reading books, drawing, easy science experiments or music lessons. Keep it playful! Here are some ideas to get you going:

Boy building a Ride

4. Go outside with your kids
If still allowed by your government: go outside. Let kids play outside for at least one to two hours a day. (Note: avoid contact with other persons and keep everyone at a distance of at least 1.5 meters). The fresh air boosts children’s immune system and they can release energy. And some sunshine will give them much needed vitamin D. Don’t forget to take an Infento Ride and some chalk or cones so they can create their own racing course! Or check out these tips:

5. Clean your ride
At this moment experts don’t know yet if and to which degree kids spread the virus. Best to take some precautions and clean the most touched part of the Rides: the handlebars. You can take a disposable cloth or paper towel and use warm water with soap to regularly clean the handlebars. Better safe than sorry. And at the same time it teaches your kids that hygiene is important, always.

6. Do a total spring clean
While we’re talking cleaning
 The spring has officially started! So why not do a total spring clean? Give your kids small chores to do for their own rooms: tidy up, dust off, vacuum clean, sort Lego, anything that fits their age. When ready, maybe they can earn a small reward and enjoy the feeling of accomplishment. 

Girl looking up

7. Bond with your partner and kids
Try to see this time as a chance. Why? Well, you probably don’t get to spend a lot time with your family normally, holidays excepted. Try to see this as a chance to bond with your family members and cherish the days while your kids are still young. Asking the right questions can bring everyone even closer to each other.

8. Get creative with Infento!
Last but not least. Do you already have an Infento Kit or you’re looking to get one? This is the perfect time to get creative with it. For a quick creative activity: challenge them to build a small animal from Infento parts. Or what about a robot. Do you want some fun with wheels? Build a small push cart or create your own soap box derby ride. And they’ll sure love to build a horse on wheels together with you.

Your own creativity is the only limit. You can truly build anything with Infento. Check out all of our Kits and start building and bonding with your kid.