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parenting interview article image
28 Jul

The Infento Parenting Interview

We all want to be good parents for our kids. 

Preferably the best in the world. Because we want the best for our children. At Infento we have plenty of mums and dads fulfilling key roles in our company. Parents just like you. 

In this edition of the Modular Monthly, we are talking to our Head of Education. What defines being a good parent for her, which traits does she want to imbue her kids with?

The Infento Parenting Interview

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Please allow us to introduce Kamal. Kamal is the head of the education department at Infento. We fired our burning questions at her and got inspiring answers. Enjoy the read!

How many children do you have and what age are they?

“I have two daughters, ages 3 and 5.”

What defines a good parent to you?

“Being loving and caring. Let them try things and always have their back. Live in the moment. Spend quality time with them. And let it all go, when things do not go according to plan. Which is practically all the time with kids ;-)”

What do you consider your biggest mistake in parenting?

“My children feel when I’m distracted by work or something else. Those moments they will not stop screaming for attention.”

What was the best adventure you experienced with your kids?

“We went on a camper trip through New Zealand last winter. Spending quality time together in this beautiful part of the world was amazing. So nice to experience they enjoy traveling, other cultures, food and nature. Children are open minded and don’t see differences or obstacles that adults can experience. Sometimes they’re a bit scared because we’ve done ‘extreme’ things with them. For example going whale watching at rough sea or do a helicopter trip. But they deal with their fears and embrace them. I love seeing their proud faces afterwards.”

How do you balance your Infento work life with your family life?

“At Infento we’re flexible. It’s possible for me to work from home if needed. Therefore, I’m able to have a good work-life balance. I bring my kids to school and daycare, go to the office and pick them up at the end of the day. We have some playtime and at night, when they sleep, I can finish my work.”

Do your kids have an Infento Kit as well and do they like it?

“They do and they love it. They like helping out and they love it when the Ride is ready and they can race. So nice to see they are fast learners. Although they’re girls and they’re princesses they are also very cool. They climb trees and race Infento really fast in our neighborhood.”

How did you experience the lockdown period at home?

“It was hard because of our high expectations. My husband and I both feel responsible for our work and want to add value and be productive. That turned out to be tough. Big time. After a few days we adapted to the situation. We had less expectations. We were satisfied with the couple of hours that we could spend working. We tried to make the best out of the weird situation. Schools closed down, so for me as Head of Education it meant that for weeks there was basically silence. That gave me the opportunity to get our internal business processes in place. What I experienced as one of the positive sides of the lockdown is that we saw what our children are capable of. Normally you don’t see anything they do at school. Luckily the school mastered online teaching quickly. After a few days we discovered our oldest daughter could read!”

What do you see as the most important character traits you want your kids to develop?

“I would like them to be curious, caring, loving, respectful, honest, kind, perseverant, open minded, confident, funny, collaborative, adventurous and competitive. I try to set the best example I can. Kids often copy behavior.”

Parents have a huge influence on children’s education and career choices. This could either be inspiring for children or limiting them. Is this something you think about?

“I hope I let them make their own choices. Just like my parents, I will emphasize that education is really important. I also teach them there are loads of possibilities and opportunities for them to seize. I hope they will be the best at what they love most. Create stuff, fly a plane, be a doctor, be a teacher, go to the moon! Hmm, maybe not the last one. As long as they do what they love and it gives them energy and happiness.”

What is the most important thing you have learned from your kids?

“There are a couple of very important lessons: Live in the moment, be happy with the days you have. Go with the flow. Stay curious. A day without laughter is a day gone to waste!”

Makers of the Month photo

Infento founders Sander (left) and Spencer are the Makers of the Month! ?

Since this edition is about parents, they were allowed to qualify. Just this once ?.  
Of course, they are cheats. They have access to an unlimited supply of Infento parts and a superb team. It took a week to put this awesome exosekeleton together. 
Sander and Spencer dubbed this mega creation the ‘Infentobot’. It was exhibited at a toy fair and attracted many admiring eyes. Now it has a place of honor at the Infento headquarters. 
Inspired to build your own Infentobot with your kids? Maybe a tiny bit smaller so it doesn’t take up the entire living room? Send us a picture, we would love to see it!

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